Friday, January 25, 2008

Pre-order sales begin

We are building up stock on various items. We have eZee kits on the way, LiFePO4 batteries, Xtracycle Freeradical kits, folding bikes, and electric assist bikes.

We are building out our product pages with all the gory details as fast as we can, so keep your eyes out there. Our shopping cart will be coming soon, too.

In the meantime, we are offering a pre-order discount of 15-20% on many items including the folding bikes and the electric assist bikes. So now is the time to save big by pre-ordering. For more information about pre-sales orders, please

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Replacing two car trips per week....

Recently I saw a discussion on another website about peak oil. Someone there was deriding the "environmentalists" who want us "to all use bikes". He was saying "that is not a realistic solution". Perhaps there is no single solution to our current mess of oil dependency. Perhaps, however, if we combine solutions, we will make a dent in this thing.

I came up with the charts below to show what would happen if 1/3 of the USA population replaced
only 2 car trips per week
with a bike trip using an electric assist bike. The bottom line is that this would
5.5 billion gallons of gas, prevent the release of 59 million tons of CO2 and save $17 billion dollars, keeping them in American's pockets rather than sending them overseas.

Maybe this is just a drop in the bucket, but 5.5 billions of gas is a mighty big drop. Could 100 million Americans bike an average of 30 miles per week? It doesn't seem like a stretch.

Here is the table on which the calculations are based:


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Introducing the Anyrider Folding bike

We've started to put up our product pages, so you can see what's on the way. Please drop us a line if you see something you're interested in, we'll be giving discounts to folks who pre-order.

The shopping cart will be here soon!