Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Yuba Mundo

There's a cool new utility bike on its way to us, the Yuba Mundo.
Yuba Mundo Logo

Yuba Mundo

Assuming that initial testing goes well, we'll be carrying this in two configurations, the singlespeed version for around $749, and the 6-speed version for around $799.

This cargo bike can carry up to
440 pounds of payload

That's 2-3 adults.
or 900 bananas
or 10 kayaks (whitewater variety)
or 25 lightweight racing bikes
or a baby cow
or way more tofu than you care to eat in a lifetime, unless you really like it a lot.

Also, we already have some Xtracycle Freeradical units in stock, which is a way to convert your own bike into a sports utility bike.

Either of these bikes can be paired with an electric assist kit like the Crystalyte or the eZee to give you the ultimate sports utility bike experience (we'd love to carry the
, but those aren't available at the moment).

Email us, or keep an eye out for our shopping cart, coming soon.

Bicycling Safety in a Nutshell

Bicycle Safety in a Nutshell.

One of the common concerns people raise is about bicycle safety. For various reasons, a lot of people think biking is "unsafe". It is true that accidents happen, and people debate a lot about how to interpret the accident statistics. I've read a lot of these sites and arguments, and I think they can be boiled down to two simple messages.

Sitting on your rear end is more dangerous than biking.
Heart disease is the number one killer; regular exercise through activities like biking has a major impact on reducing it and many other diseases including diabetes, cancer, and more. According to research in
, the reduction in heart attacks from regular biking significantly outweighs the risks of the biking activity itself. And besides, per mile travelled,

What's more, bike accidents can be drastically reduced by realizing a few simple facts:

• Riding on sidewalks is one of the riskiest places to bike and one of the major causes of bike accidents. Cars are not looking for bikes as they pull out of driveways or at intersections.

• Riding at night without lights is another major cause of bike accidents. Riding intoxicated at night without lights is just plain stupid.

• Riding the wrong way against traffic is another major cause of accidents.

• And, running stop signs is another sure-fire way to increase the odds of getting clocked by a car.

Then there are the people who do all these things and more - I see them occasionally around, weaving in and out of traffic, running lights, riding on the sidewalk. Sadly, they don't realize how much danger they are putting themselves in. They are the folks responsible for the majority of all bike accidents.

It is simple:
of all bike accidents are a result of these kinds of
behaviors. That's right, if the biking populace followed a few simple guidelines, it would
And that, combined with the savings in health by getting regular exercise biking, adds up to a simple equation. Biking is a safe activity if done properly, compared to sitting on your rear end in the car.

For more great information on this subject, check out
, and in particular, his piece on "

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Stuff has arrived

Lots of stuff has been showing up at our "warehouse" here! So, we need to do something about it, like sell it or something.

Time to get our shopping cart whipped into shape!

For those looking for the PHET LiFEPO4 battery packs, we have a bargain in store for you... (in a relative sense, anyway). A few of the packs arrived with cosmetic damage from shipping. Nothing major, and the packs are still fully functional. However, we'll be discounting these, to $545 each (the normal price will be $595). That's a great deal for such a nicely packaged LiFEPO4 setup with PHET's full warranty. Either keep your eye on our website for the store (they'll be listed under Closeouts and Seconds), or if you want to make sure you get one before they're gone, just email us,

Other things soon to appear on the Cycle 9 store: eZee hub motor kit, Crystalyte 406 kit, E-bikes (for pre-order), and lots of neato accessories for making your bike a fun place to be!