Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Yuba Mundo

There's a cool new utility bike on its way to us, the Yuba Mundo.
Yuba Mundo Logo

Yuba Mundo

Assuming that initial testing goes well, we'll be carrying this in two configurations, the singlespeed version for around $749, and the 6-speed version for around $799.

This cargo bike can carry up to
440 pounds of payload

That's 2-3 adults.
or 900 bananas
or 10 kayaks (whitewater variety)
or 25 lightweight racing bikes
or a baby cow
or way more tofu than you care to eat in a lifetime, unless you really like it a lot.

Also, we already have some Xtracycle Freeradical units in stock, which is a way to convert your own bike into a sports utility bike.

Either of these bikes can be paired with an electric assist kit like the Crystalyte or the eZee to give you the ultimate sports utility bike experience (we'd love to carry the
, but those aren't available at the moment).

Email us, or keep an eye out for our shopping cart, coming soon.

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