Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hub Motor kit supply

The eZee hub motor kits continue to be in high demand, so we're sold out again while we wait for resupply. We've got a few more coming by the end of August and then more on the next shipment, expected about a month later. Thanks everyone for your great patronage, and for those of you looking for eZee kits, we hope to supply you soon!
We now have one Bionx P250 in stock and expect a few more kits in the next 3 weeks. The manufacturer just opened a new facility which has higher capacity, so we hope to see less of a delay in getting Bionx kits in the future.
We also expect some more Crystalyte motors by the end of August, so if you are looking for those, stay tuned as well. The good news is that more people are electrifying their bikes, and we hope that means more people usnig their bikes more often!
If you would like, you can reserve any of our kits with a $100 deposit by

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